Our Story

Fall 2019...

Our story began simmering even before our first official date—we'd crossed paths at work, but it was an Ems game with colleagues that truly sparked the connection. Suddenly, the rest of the crowd faded away as we found ourselves lost in conversation and laughter, and we knew something special had clicked. Fast forward to September 8th, 2019 – our first real date! From then on, our days were filled with exploring new flavors, experimenting in the kitchen, and sharing glasses of wine (okay, maybe bottles!). We even discovered our shared mischievous side, pulling off our first prank together – a memory we still laugh about today. And who could forget that epic train journey from Chicago back home to Oregon? 


2020 brought more wine tasting adventures, but also some unexpected twists.  Remember that sketchy gravel road leading to the shooting range in the woods?  "If I didn't know you better, I'd be worried."  Then the world changed, and we found ourselves hunkered down for COVID, working from home, often together, and becoming masters of both cooking, and sometimes not cooking (see cereal picture for reference). We filled our days with culinary experiments, relaxed with a good book, and escaped to nature with some scenic hikes.  And yes, there was even more cooking.  To top it off, we treated ourselves to a week-long staycation in Ashland, exploring all its charm.


2021 was a year of adventure, both planned and unexpected! We kicked things off
(post tax-season) with an unforgettable week-long road trip, exploring the beauty of Eastern Oregon, soaking up the vibes in Bend, and winding our way back through the stunning Columbia River Gorge.  While those pesky COVID restrictions forced us to cancel our international travel plans (boo!), we pivoted like pros and headed to New Orleans instead.  Beignets, jazz, and a tandem bike ride through the French Quarter? Yes, please! Closer to home, we laced up our hiking boots, paddled some scenic waterways, and squeezed in some more spontaneous date nights.  Oh, and we conquered Mount St. Helens!  But the highlight?  Finally making that long-awaited and postponed trip to Istanbul and Georgia! Three glorious weeks filled with breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins and castles,  delicious food we still dream about (and haven't been able to replicate!),  horseback riding adventures, and of course, plenty of adorable dog encounters.


2022 was a whirlwind of adventures, both near and far!  We continued our quest for amazing food and drinks, and of course, hit the trails for more scenic hikes.  Our post-tax-season trip to Astoria was almost our last (just kidding... mostly!) when we braved the treacherous Columbia River bar. Thankfully, we survived to explore a haunting shipwreck, enjoy some beach time, and poke around an abandoned sawmill. Back on dry land, we donned our fanciest hats for a Kentucky Derby party and even unleashed another epic prank at the office.  Never ones to stay put for long, we embarked on another Columbia River Gorge adventure, this time also venturing into the wilds of far eastern Oregon.  A birthday trip to San Francisco brought a taste of culture with art museums, tea tastings in serene Japanese gardens, a chilling tour of Alcatraz, and a night at the opera.  But the wanderlust didn't stop there! We jetted off to Singapore and Indonesia, where we explored underwater worlds while scuba diving and snorkeling, conquered volcanic peaks, encountered fascinating wildlife, sailed the seas for days, got swarmed by bats (eek!), and maybe got a little too much sun.  And because why not? We even squeezed in a trip to the magical world of Disney!  To top it off, we discovered a shared love for women's basketball and started cheering together.


2023 was a year for the books! We cheered on the UO women's basketball team, indulged in delicious food and wine (including a delightful trip to Oregon wine country), and, of course, stocked up on more books than we could carry at the local library sale (oops!).  Then things took a turn when Kevin abandoned Martha (gasp!) for almost two months to gallivant around India, Kuwait, and the UAE.  But Martha held down the fort and distance makes the heart grow fonder. Spring and summer were rounded out enjoying hikes, drinks, culinary creations, and adventures on the water.  A quick trip to LA offered a change of scenery, and then came a new addition: Karma our dog!  Our furry companion quickly became an integral part of our adventures, joining us on hikes and explorations. We snuck in a short trip to Ashland to soak up some Shakespeare and relaxation, and back at the office, we unleashed our most epic prank yet, swapping a coworker's office with the supply closet (muahahaha!).  A birthday weekend in Oregon wine country brought us face-to-face with some fascinating erratic rocks, and then came the most magical moment of all... 

Kevin finally popped the question on November 18th!  We celebrated with a joyous engagement party where our families finally met.  But the excitement didn't stop there. Shortly after we embarked on a whirlwind three-week European adventure, exploring Christmas markets in Germany, hiking through Finnish bogs and over frozen lakebeds (brrr!), spending a night in an old prison (spooky!), and marveling at massive fortresses.  A ferry carried us to Estonia, where we wandered through charming old cities, ancient ruins, and eerie graveyards, and ventured close to the Russian border to explore more castles.  We even spent a night in a real-life castle!  Next up, a ferry ride through frozen waters to an island where we explored meteor impact sites, drove to what felt like the edge of the world, and huddled together for warmth.  In Latvia, we delved into history at the oldest pharmacy in Europe, dined in atmospheric dungeons, and toured opulent palaces.  And just when you thought the year couldn't get any more packed, we capped it all off with a quick trip to Alaska (for book club, of course!).


2024 was a year of delicious seafood, daring adventures, and settling into new beginnings! We kicked things off with a delightful Wine and Crab Fest (yum!), followed by a much-needed post-tax-season escape to Panama and Colombia.  Our journey began in Panama City, where we delved into the fascinating history of the pirate-ravaged old city, explored ancient churches, monuments, and ruins, and of course, savored incredible food.  We even squeezed in some hiking and encountered adorable wildlife before embarking on the ultimate Panama Canal experience – a boat trip through the legendary waterway!  Next up, we hopped aboard a sailboat for an unforgettable five-day adventure.  We explored uninhabited islands, swam with sharks (eek!), feasted on fresh-caught fish, sailed past haunting shipwrecks, and even spent two glorious days with no land in sight.  Arriving in Cartagena, we immersed ourselves in colonial history, braved the heat and humidity, and devoured the most amazing empanadas ever (seriously, we visited the same little shop four times!).  We spotted sloths in their natural habitat, wandered through vibrant night markets, learned the art of Colombian cooking, caught and cooked our own fish, planted mangroves, floated on top of a 2000 meter mud volcano and even toured a salt harvesting operation.

Summer brought a welcome respite with relaxing barbecues, an exciting track meet, culinary experiments, scenic hikes, and of course, the all-important search for the perfect wedding venue.  But the travel bug soon bit again, and we found ourselves on a short trip to Nevada, blending work and play.  We embarked on a quest for old flight navigation arrows (Kevin's unique idea of fun!), ventured deep inside the Hoover Dam, and braved the scorching 118-degree heat to explore Valley of Fire State Park, marveling at ancient petroglyphs and stunning natural rock formations. 

Amidst all the adventures, we found time to settle into a new apartment – a fresh start in a new space.  And who could forget the Halloween surprise that awaited Martha? Coming home to find Richard Nixon himself standing on the steps (talk about a spooky encounter!).  We wrapped up the year with double the celebrations, enjoying two Thanksgivings and two Christmases filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a lifetime together.


Yet To Come :)